Category Traditions




Timeless Traditions: A Cultural Odyssey Through British Heritage

Embark on a cultural odyssey through the tapestry of British heritage with The Time Traveller’s Guild in our dedicated blog category, “Traditions.” Dive into the rich mosaic of customs, rituals, and practices that have endured through generations, shaping the identity of the nation. Each article is a celebration of the enduring spirit of tradition, inviting you to explore the diverse and vibrant threads that weave together the fabric of British cultural heritage.

Mapleton Bridge Jump: A Leap Into Tradition (and Possibly Cold Water)

When it comes to quirky New Year traditions, the Mapleton Bridge Jump might just take the plunge—literally. Each New Year’s Day, thrill-seekers, locals, and a fair few bemused onlookers gather in the charming village of Mapleton, Derbyshire, to watch (or…