Category Era




Era Echoes: Navigating the Tides of Time

Welcome to “Era,” the captivating category where the ebb and flow of time are unveiled in all their majesty. Embark on a transcendent journey through the ages, as The Time Traveller’s Guild guides you through the pivotal epochs that have shaped the course of history. Each sub-category within “Era” opens a portal to a distinct period, inviting you to explore, understand, and relish the unique tapestry of human existence.

First Footing: The UK’s New Year Tradition of Luck, Whiskey, and Tall, Dark Strangers

clear drinking glass on table

New Year’s Eve is a universal celebration of fireworks, fizz, and midnight resolutions you probably won’t keep. But in Scotland and parts of northern England, it’s not just about ringing in the New Year—it’s about who crosses your threshold first.…