Category 20th Century




Modern Mosaics: Traversing the 20th Century Saga

Embark on a riveting journey through the tumultuous currents of the 20th century with The Time Traveller’s Guild in our dedicated blog category, “20th Century.” Navigate the sweeping landscapes of modernity, where wars and revolutions, cultural upheavals, and technological leaps shaped the course of British history and the world at large. Join us as we unravel the multifaceted stories, pivotal events, and societal transformations that characterise this epoch.

10 Obscure Haunted Sites in the UK You’ve Never Heard Of

When it comes to haunted places, the UK is rife with eerie castles, ancient manors, and dark forests. While sites like the Tower of London and Edinburgh Castle dominate ghost tours and television documentaries, there are far more chilling and…