Category Travel Guides

Voyages on Paper: Unfolding the World Through Travel Guides

Welcome to “Voyages on Paper,” a specialised blog category dedicated to the wanderlust-infused pages of travel guides. Here, at The Time Traveller’s Guild, we understand that the journey begins long before the physical departure; it starts with the turn of a page. This category is crafted for those who dream of distant lands, cultural immersions, and exploratory escapades, offering a curated collection of articles that delve into the heart of travel through the unique perspective of guidebooks.

Travelling with an Antique Guide: Rocola’s Guide to London – A.B.C. Gazetteer of London: A 1950s Visitor’s Directory

Part of the Rocola’s Guide to London series, this section of Rocola’s Guide to London serves as a quick-reference directory of major landmarks, railway stations, and historical sites. Although the A.B.C Gazetteer was a known separate directory of travel guides,…