The Travel Guide

The Book of Travel guides were published almost yearly and generally followed a pattern of containing a paragraph or two on most locations in the UK, Europe, Eastern Mediterranean, Africa and Russia, along with travel tips, maps, illustrations, helpful contacts and advertisements.

For information about the book “The Queen” Newspaper Book of Travel: 1907 see the separate article below

Arbroath: 1907 entry

Arbroath on the forfar coast, has fine cliff scenery, good bathing, fishing and golf.

HOTELS: White Hart and Imperial

APARTMENTS: On application to Mr Campbell, Brothock Bridge


Arbroath: 21st Century edition

Arbroath, located on the Angus coast, continues to entice visitors with its stunning cliff scenery and a wealth of outdoor activities. Nestled along the picturesque coastline, this charming town offers an array of experiences for travellers seeking seaside adventures.

Cliff Scenery: Arbroath’s dramatic cliffs remain as captivating as ever, providing breathtaking views of the North Sea and the rugged Scottish coastline. Visitors can explore coastal trails, take in the fresh sea air, and marvel at the power of the waves crashing against the shore.

Bathing: The town’s beaches offer opportunities for good bathing, providing a refreshing escape during the warmer months. Whether you’re taking a leisurely dip or enjoying a brisk swim, Arbroath’s coastal waters beckon visitors to immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the Scottish coast.

Fishing: Fishing enthusiasts will delight in Arbroath’s abundant fishing opportunities, both at sea and along its rivers. Anglers can cast their lines in search of a variety of fish species, promising an exciting day on the water amidst stunning coastal scenery.

Golf: Arbroath’s golfing tradition endures, with golfers of all levels invited to enjoy the town’s scenic golf courses. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a novice, hitting the links in Arbroath offers a chance to soak up the views and enjoy a round of golf in a picturesque setting.

Accommodations: The White Hart and Imperial hotels no longer welcome guests, however there are a variety of others with warm hospitality and comfortable accommodations, providing a relaxing retreat after a day of exploration along the coast.

Newspaper: The Herald remains a trusted source of local news and information, keeping residents and visitors alike informed about events, activities, and developments in Arbroath and the surrounding area.

In revisiting Arbroath through the lens of a 1907 travel guide, one discovers a coastal town that has retained its natural beauty and traditional charm, inviting travellers to explore its scenic coastline and immerse themselves in outdoor adventures along the Angus coast.

For more information about Arbroath, visit the Visit Scotland website.

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